
v2 Finalist


AI generated voiceovers for your videos

["Try using different settings for the voiceover to find what works best for a certain use case.\nGenerally the defaults work fine, but when it comes to videos such a single feature demos, providing additional context by checking the advanced options checkbox would generate more relevant voiceover scripts.\nYou can also test it with ElevenLabs TTS by adding an API key from the platform in settings, if you have custom voices created on ElevenLabs, those will also be available on this app."]


It's an AI data analyst that users can use as a standalone app or embedded as a popup chat widget on top of their existing app(s)/dashboards. It's able to query data from the data sources connected by the user and then analyse that data using a python code interpreter. We're building it because we realised that just having dashboards/reports can be insufficient for end users and being able to have an AI Data Analyst alongside their dashboards/reports would help them do more with their data while not needing any technical expertise since the AI Data Analyst is able to understand natural language prompts. This is something that only became possible with the recent innovations happening in AI models which allow us to build this kind of an AI Data Analyst that's reliable and inexpensive while being able to serve multiple users from any company.