Create, edit and embed prompts via GUI or CLI. Platform agnostic tooling to simplify AI workflows.

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Project Overview Our project is a comprehensive prompt management platform designed to simplify and streamline AI workflows. It provides tools for creating, editing, sharing, and executing prompts across various Large Language Models (LLMs). User-Friendly GUI and CLI Create, save, and manage prompts through an intuitive graphical interface Command-line interface for power users and automation Collaborative Prompt Engineering Share prompts easily with both technical and non-technical team members Embedded API Language and platform-agnostic implementation Enables scaling of complex AI systems LLM-Agnostic Design Compatible with various Large Language Models Flexibility to adapt to new AI technologies Workflow Integration Embed and execute prompts within existing workflows Simplify prompt management in AI-driven processes Project Impact This platform addresses the growing need for efficient prompt management in AI development. By providing accessible tools for prompt creation, collaboration, and execution, we aim to accelerate AI innovation and make advanced language models more accessible.