SkyTrade Drones Radar

v4 Finalist

SkyTrade Drones Radar

API for monitoring drones in real-time. DePIN and RWA.

Our presentation is here: You can download our Radar APK (Android app) following instructions here:


On the supply side, we are building a system (initially an Android mobile app, longer-term own hardware) to monitor drones flying within up to 5 km of the mobile device, aggregating and storing signals from the drones. On the demand side, we are building an API that interested parties can use to retrieve drone signals in real-time and as aggregated historical data. DePIN elements come here because we use hardware monitoring drones. RWA comes from the fact that we are tokenizing air rights, i.e., the airspace above the land and properties that belong to the land/property owners. Tokens like that can be traded but also rented per minute (e.g., allowing drones to fly within the owner's low-altitude airspace).