Parkinson's Disease Therapy Gloves (Open-Source)

Instructions for makers to build their own vCR Gloves


The vCR Gloves were originally developed by Dr. Tass and his team at the Stanford Department of Neurosurgery. Based on their research, we Engineered our own version. It's been over a year since we gave the gloves to an anonymous friend with early-onset Parkinson's Disease. The vCR gloves have brought about a remarkable change in their Parkinson's symptoms. The tremors are gone and their life has drastically changed trajectory. In the first week of treatment, they reported: "We've only been using this glove for less than a week, and we're already noticing improvement on [their] rigidity and dystonia. Not even medication has changed rigidity at this level." A year has brought a remarkable improvement in their Parkinson's symptoms. It's life-changing for them. Vibrotactile Coordinated Reset was found to be an effective therapy in a double-blind study. We can Open-Source our Engineering designs and give them away for free to makers. We are using this platform as an opportunity to build V2 and refine our design.