Our project is to deliver a platform & Bot (WhatsApp or Telegram) through On-Ramp and Off-Ramp Crypto Fiat/Crypto ($BRL <-> $Crypto), through an AI Automatic ChatBot, integrated into the national payment system. Difficulty for most users of the traditional financial system to buy Cryptos through centralized exchanges or decentralized exchanges, as they are difficult to use and oriented towards PRO users. WhatsApp users in Brazil: 169 million users (the survey points out that 93.4% of Brazilian internet users, aged 16 to 64, use WhatsApp). Telegram users in Brazil: 42 million active users (according to the mobile data analysis company, App Annie, in January). PIX users in Brazil (from the financial payment system in Brazil): 153 million registered users (today PIX in BRAZIL has 803 participating institutions) and the number of registered keys, exceeds 650 million, since each person or company. The financial volume of transactions per PIX reached BRL 10.9 trillion in 2022, according to statistical data provided by the Central Bank. SOURCE: CENTRAL BANK OF BRAZIL https://www.bcb.gov.br/estabilidadefinanceira/estatisticaspix