
A note taking app that tries to help its user to remember his past experiences

The app contains NoteChateR, NoteRecommendeR, and NoteSearcheR and is available for Windows from here: Just create an account and have fun! Send me your feedback here:


NoteR stands for Note Reminder, an app that aims to help the user take note-taking to the next level by leveraging the power of AI. To do this the app integrates 4 features: 1. NoteChateR: Chatbot integrated with the notes to provide answers based on it, this could be like giving notes, advice, providing old notes, etc for what the user needs. 2. NoteRecommendeR: Recommend notes based on what the user is trying or taking notes for while he's doing so to help him use his existing knowledge and experience. 3. NoteFeedR: A feed of old notes, some may be related to the user's recent activity and some may be random to help the user remember old notes. 4. NoteSearcheR: A smart search that will recommend notes related to your query even if they don't contain it. 5. NotesGroupeR: A feature to gather related notes together by tags to help keep the notes organized and easy to navigate and use.