v4 Finalist

Easy Measure

Get your body measurements with a click

You can visit the website, and simply follow the instructions there. After you enter your name and height, the application will automatically click your pictures. Also, to remove inaccuracy, users are given the option to manually place the markers, if the model outputs are inaccurate. Then you get your results in seconds. Some things to consider: 1. Make sure that there is sufficient lighting so that the model can recognize you. 2. Make sure that your face is clearly visible while clicking the pictures. 3. Try to avoid largely cluttered background and foreground. And move around to match the pose in the reference picture.


It is a web based application that can calculate body measurements with the pictures taken from the webcam. The front end will use Vite, React, and Typescript, while the back end will be built in Django. The back end API can be easily integrated into other e-commerce websites if needed.