The game is live and works on Linea Mainnet network. Connect your wallet, then click on the "Add my character" button. It will open a popup. Since, you won't have an NFT yet, buy it by clicking to "Buy NFT" button located at the bottom right of the popup. (Costs ~3$). Lastly, refresh the page, and open the NFT Character adding popup. Hit the Order button. To create a game character it needs 500 USDC. If you are a freelancer, check out there you will see the tasks that you made or some other users requests.
Ara is a platform that connects ordinary users with professionals. It's for anyone who has some idea, but lacks any experience to achieve it. Ara built a universal development model that defines all the necessary steps to create projects from the ideas. As a core, it puts people, and emphasizes on gathering group that solves the project tasks together. During the backdrop session, we create a game addon that helps players to add their NFTs into the game. The player requests are posted online and can be done by any capable artist. Meanwhile, the game developer doesn't have to do anything, just get his fees.