
Learn new words, make it stick and become more articulate


Lexiez is a platform that enables people learn new words and become more articulate. Before now, If you see a new word online and search for the meaning. You know it for a while and forget it. What we do is to help you cement it in your head and make you able to use it in your daily life. When you can save a new word on our platform. You would get the meaning of the word, AI would generate sentences where the word could be applied, You can ask AI to generate more based on different conversation scenerios, You can make your own sentences/statements using the word, AI would correct you if you misused it or there is a way you could use it better, There is also a 'Conversation Mode', Where you would have a conversation with an AI that simulates conversations where you would be required to use the words you have learnt. Users would be required to practice one word at least for a week. All these done would make the user be able to use those words confidently and properly.