
Streamlining Japanese-English Translation with Advanced Preprocessing and Integrated Translation Technologies

I'm really sorry about the rush, it's so hard to talk about everything I'd like to. To start: If you'd like to check out Kudasai now with no setup aside from API keys, head here to our Hugging Face instance: https://huggingface.co/spaces/Bikatr7/Kudasai otherwise, the GitHub is here: https://github.com/Bikatr7/Kudasai Installation and setup is detailed here: https://github.com/Bikatr7/Kudasai?tab=readme-ov-file#quick-start but put simply To install, you need to have python, and then just do a typical pip install -r requirements.txt once you're in the project directory, then just run python -m spacy download ja_core_news_lg, and you're done! Kudasai offers 4 methods of translation: OpenAI, Gemini, DeepL, and Google Translate. Simply connect the service and Kudasai handles the rest. Although it offers a lot of customization. Easiest version of using Kudasai is the webgui which you can run locally via webgui.py or the Hugging Face instance from earlier, otherwise I'd recommend just running kudasai.py it details everything. Finally, if you're still confused, I'd recommend reading the README.


Streamlining Japanese-English Translation with Advanced Preprocessing and Integrated Translation Technologies Kudasai, originally a Japanese preprocessor was built to streamline Japanese Light Novel translation, soon it turned into a much bigger project with the aim of automating translation. Looking to move along progress with EasyTL, add Google Translate support. Also looking to downsize and optimize the project in general. Remove the unneeded/inferior parts and optimize everything else.