
v3 Finalist


Streamlining Japanese-English Translation with Advanced Preprocessing and Integrated Translation Technologies

I'd recommend watching: https://youtu.be/9qdpEBIiaR0 and https://youtu.be/i1RnOTRwzQc If you're really interested, these are download instructions and a more detailed guide. But otherwise, proceed to the latest release: https://github.com/Bikatr7/Kudasai/releases/tag/v3.4.0 or check out the hugging face instance: https://huggingface.co/spaces/Bikatr7/Kudasai Consult the README for any further instruction: https://github.com/Bikatr7/Kudasai/blob/main/README.md


Streamlining Japanese-English Translation with Advanced Preprocessing and Integrated Translation Technologies Kudasai, originally a Japanese preprocessor was built to streamline Japanese Light Novel translation, soon it turned into a much bigger project with the aim of automating translation. First with DeepL, Kudasai was originally unsuccessful, however overtime with more effort put into it, it's turned into a massive project with 3 methods of translation, CLI and Console versions, and a WebGUI