
Interactive Insights: Transform any knowledge into an interactive chat with just a few simple clicks


Imagine stepping into a place—be it a restaurant, festival, museum, or small event—with questions swirling in your mind. "Which dishes are peanut-free?" "Where can I find the <specific> painting?" "What's the theme of this event?" Typically, you'd have to ask or look around to find out. Now, picture a different scenario: you pull out your phone, scan a QR code, and instantly, a friendly chatbot appears, ready to answer all your questions. Creating this seamless experience is surprisingly straightforward. You visit a website, upload the information you wish to share — FAQs, menus, event specifics, or any other insider knowledge — click 'create', and there you have it: a QR code linked to custom chatbot. This doesn't require any technical know-how or complicated setup. This tool simplifies access to information, turning any space into an interactive hub of knowledge. For creators, it's about providing a friendly digital gateway, making sure they get the answers they need. The beauty of QRAI is in its ease of use: just a few steps to generate a world of answers.