For simplicity, download the release for your system. Extract the files. Set an environmental variable, FLUENT_CLI_V2_CONFIG_PATH for the path to a default configuration file (default_config_test.json) is provided. Many configuration files are provided to get you started. If using the secure configurations, Amber,, must also be set up, and then the API keys must be added to the vault. Otherwise, you can hard code your API keys into the configuration file. If you won't be using Neo4j or VoyageAI, remove those sections from the configurations you'll be using. Add the fluent executable location to your path. Add the autoconfiguration file to your default profile (bash or pwsh). Start a console and try: fluent --help fluent -c path/to/your/configuration/file <engineName> 'request' fluent openai 'testing'
FluentCLI is a revolutionary open-source project that transforms how developers interact with AI and language models through the command line. This Rust-based CLI seamlessly integrates with popular AI workflow engines like Flowise, Langflow, and custom webhooks, while also providing native support for leading AI providers including OpenAI, Anthropic, Groq, Cohere, and more. Key features: 1. Unified Interface: Interact with multiple AI engines through a single, intuitive CLI. 2. Dynamic Workflow Composition: Chain AI processes effortlessly for complex automation. 3. Robust Security: Built-in encryption and integration with secrets management tools. 4. Flexible I/O Handling: Support for stdin, file uploads, and various output formats. 5. Customizable Configurations: Easy override of system prompts and model parameters. 6. Comprehensive Monitoring: Built-in analytics, embeddings to Neo4J to capture and derive more meaning from interactions. FluentCLI empowers developers to: - Rapidly prototype AI-powered applications - Automate repetitive tasks with AI assistance - Integrate AI capabilities into existing CLI workflows - Experiment with different AI models and providers seamlessly