["How to test locally or with public URL? \nGo to https://github.com/m8b-dev/eth-block-api#readme and check!\n\nIn remote case, use \"http://ethblockapi.m8b.dev/block/<some_block_number>/txs\" URL instead of \"localhost:8080\"\n\nThe main feature is that our job introduces https://packagist.org/packages/m8b/ether-binder and it's example, which is simple API based on REACT PHP (ASYNC) and ether-binder lib! There are no PHP8.2 web3.0 library yet!"]
Innovative practice example use of ether-binder PHP library. Ether-binder is a set of utilities for interacting with Ethereum, and it's smart contracts with PHP, with generating ABI bindings and Ethereum-related types. We already finished this library (last week). Now, we want to present a practical use example. It's innovative web3.0 technology for PHP8 users! It's first PHP8-targeted library, using all of PHP8.2 features.