
Seamless Multi-API Translation: Simplifying Language Barriers with DeepL, OpenAI, and Gemini

GitHub src repo: https://github.com/Bikatr7/EasyTL Demo repository (think of it like a playground): https://github.com/Bikatr7/easytl-demo to install: pip install easytl I could really go on and on about EasyTL, but we don't have all day, put simply this wraps several APIs (LLM and Translation) and makes them uniform and easy to use. These APIs are: OpenAI Gemini Anthropic Microsoft Azure Translate Google Translate DeepL The best part is the LLM translation, I think it's really under utilized in this space. It's been incredible to see what Gemini, OpenAI, and Anthropic can do. EasyTL allows utilizing the original API in its entirety but in an easier and streamlined way, along with other utility like custom function decorators, semaphores, rate limit delays, cost estimation and more. See the README for more: https://github.com/Bikatr7/EasyTL?tab=readme-ov-file#quick-start


Easily translate text into different languages using a highly customizable package packed full of translation APIs. Looking to add Microsoft translate and Anthropic support, as well as general improvements and stability