DeepEyes - Web3 Business Intelligence

Google Analytics for Web3 business that boost their growth Simplify Business Intelligence for any Web3 business that boost the growth

["We deliver dashboard for Projects running on Base. \n\nYou can input\n\n1. Project smart contract. See how project performs with metrics from DAU/ MAU, Retention Rate and Competitor's performance. \n2. Wallet address. See how a specific wallet engage with projects and smart contract. "]


Business Intelligent solution for Web3 projects which can save their time & money in data analytics to understand their customers. From our experience, building BI costs project a lots of money, time and even expertise, so we want to help web3 business save this cost and only focus on their core business. With our solution, project owners can answer questions about daily operation like who are our new customers, retention, or even our competitor performance.