
Rust cli framework with clap - also intended to be used as replacement for rpc and backend interface

Watch the patch, download the tutorial and extend it according to your wishes. I hope you enjoy this comfortable, short style of cli developing! github repo of the project: link to


You want to make your rust program or service accessible to others? Then writing a cli tool is a quite common approach, but writing well-structured command line tools can get exhaustively challenging, even with clap, the most popular cli framework. So here is command_rpc, built on top of clap, in order to make cli development easier. Engineers are able to focus on the structure and functionality of thier cli. It uses procedural macros; these mark modules and contained functions as commands and their subcommands. command_rpc is also supposed to be used for integration - that´s where the "rpc" comes from. This way the core program is protected and only explicitly exported functions can be used externally. Further features like default values, usage of comments as help text and easier version management are also planned. The crates-io link below is NOT up to date! (Will be on release)