v2 Winner

v2 Finalist

Build LLM bots and merge them into Discord, Slack and more

["One important point is the OpenAPI key is to be provided in the account settings to be able to interact with bots you create, contact me via email and I'll provide it for you.\n\nAlternatively you can join the Discord test server and you can test freely the bots \"I created\"\n\nThings to test:\n* Creating Agents in Bot tab.\n* Testing your bots in the Playground tab (API key required).\n* Integrating bots with Discord.\n* In a discord channel use /cv command providing \"bot name\" and a query (API key required)"]


The vision of this project is creating an open source platform that enables two key features: * Creation and customization of LLM based bots. Users are able choose LLM models, customize prompts, add their data sources etc... * A streamlined integration process with a friendly UI to quickly port created bots to platforms of choice. The open source philosophy is a commitment to privacy and transparency as well as users have the option to host their own private servers without any middle man.