Bridge 23

People first expense tracker Login create NFID form your google account, upload your first receipt and start build your spending habit portfolio. For feedback please click on profile icon and follow to TypeForm. Any feedback be cool in our stage, thank you for every one


Bridge23 is radically disrupting Big Data by allowing consumers to sell their data directly to merchants. We use a traditional "expense tracker" platform to collect user data and cut out the middle man so that merchants can bid up the price of data, based on how much input users give us. And that money goes directly to the users themselves, NOT big data companies. The more expenses users track, the more valuable their data becomes, the more money they earn from merchants. Furthermore, by tracking 121+ data points, users also earn customized rewards, discounts, and special offers from these same merchants, so they can "Get Paid to Save." Bridge23 is a revolution in the data industry, empowering everyday consumers to earn directly from THEIR own data, clawing back money and resources from big data companies to help them manage in a cash-strapped world. On top of this, we offer education, tax, savings, and investment strategies as part of our tracking platform to create a comprehensive financial "earning and learning" system to help ordinary individuals get ahead in a system that is often stacked against them. "Data to the people!"