
Revolutionizing Chatbot Monetization with AI-Driven, Contextual Advertising


I'm building BotAds, a unique platform that's going to change how chatbots can make money. Imagine you're chatting with a bot about your favorite hobbies, and it smoothly suggests a related product or service that actually interests you. That's what BotAds does. It uses AI to understand the conversation and shows ads that fit right into the chat, making them more relevant and less annoying. I'm building this because I saw a gap in how chatbots are used. Right now, they're great for answering questions or helping with tasks, but they don't do much in terms of generating revenue. BotAds changes that. It lets chatbot developers earn money from their bots without ruining the user experience. People should care about this because it's a win-win. If you're a chatbot developer, you get a new way to make money from your bot. If you're an advertiser, you get to put your ads in a place where people are actually paying attention. And if you're a user, the ads you see are more likely to be something you're interested in. It's about making ads a helpful part of the conversation, not an interruption.