
An onchain family chores and allowance AI application

["Use the onboarding navigation linkt to please create a family and manually (advanced) add a child (another ethereum) address. \n\nOnce you have a family, you can use the AI to create privileges and chores and assign it to the child. We have a fake USDC you can add to the contract and if the child logs in, they can finish the chore. If it is verified by the parent, they should be able to withdraw their allowance to their address.\n\nPlease note, I want this to be on Base, but currently is on Polygon."]


ChatGPT Absolutely! Here's a prompt that could effectively describe your crypto-based chores and allowance tracking application: Are you a parent looking to simplify family management and teach your children about financial responsibility? Meet our innovative application, designed to bring the world of chores and allowances into the digital age with a crypto twist! Our app makes tracking household chores and managing allowances a breeze. As a parent, you can assign chores to your children and set corresponding rewards in the form of digital currency. Kids complete their tasks and earn their allowance in a modern, engaging way. But it's more than just a chore tracker; it's a financial education tool. Children learn about earning, saving, and spending in a secure, cryptocurrency-based environment. This hands-on experience prepares them for the digital economy of the future. We're building this app because we believe in combining practical household management with a fun, educational experience for kids. In a world where digital finance is becoming increasingly important, our app provides a safe and interactive way for children to learn about money. So, why should you care? If you're seeking a solution to streamline your family's chore schedule while giving your kids a head start in understanding digital finance, our app is tailor-made for you.