
v3 Finalist


LLM chatbot and writing assistant using HuggingFace and the Matrix protocol.

The best way to test out bartleby is to add it to your own discord server with the invite link below. Then, just have some fun. Play with the command interface, try out different decoding strategies and generation configurations. Test a few different system prompts. Then save what you generate with to your own Google Drive folder. Or, maybe just ask for a good joke! Here is the Discord invite link:


Bartleby is a LLM chatbot and writing assistant written in Python using HuggingFace. The project goal is to create a conversational writing assistant which interacts naturally via a chat interface and creates documents in docx format. A 'universal' interface was achieved using the Matrix protocol (i.e. the user can interact with the Bartleby via any Matrix chat client application using any device: phone, laptop or tablet running: macOS, Windows, Linux, android, IOS etc,). Documents are created and accessed via Google Drive using Google Cloud Platform APIs. Bartleby exposes a number of system control commands via the chat interface. System control commands allow the user to manipulate generation parameters, alter prompting behavior, make and save documents and even change the model type on the fly from any device.