If you're a fundraiser group, you can contact https://t.me/jonassunandar to use our platform. Also visit https://docs.anyape.xyz to see all of AnyApe features and guide on how to utilize them.
AnyApe is a feature-rich investment platform focused on convenience. Features: - Vesting Management: Pool owners can now effectively add, edit, and provide proof of vesting token schedules, enhancing communication and transparency with the community. - Token Distribution: Pool owners can effortlessly distribute tokens based on vesting schedules. We support vast blockchain distribution chains https://docs.anyape.xyz/supported-chains/distribution-chains - Project Importing: Pool owners can easily import previous projects, ensuring continuity and efficiency in their operations. - Effortless Contributor List Export: Pool owners can export contributor lists with ease, simplifying record-keeping and communication. - Contribution on Behalf of Contributors: Pool owners have the ability to contribute on behalf of contributors, enhancing flexibility and user experience. - Enhanced Contributor Profiles: Contributors can now input their Telegram and Discord details, fostering stronger community connections. - Pledge Input: Contributors can input their pledges directly into the platform, ensuring accuracy and efficiency.